Although 93% of B2B companies are doing content marketing, less than half view themselves as successful with it. However, companies with a documented content marketing strategy are three times as likely to say their efforts are “very” or “extremely” effective as those without one. So—creating a content marketing strategy is vital.
Content marketers have a number of models to consider when developing their strategies, such as the platform model, Mark Schaefer’s “liquid” model, and the ACKTT framework (for Audiences-Competitors-Keywords-Topics-Tactics).
Another promising approach is to think like a journalist. As Daniel Newman and Michael Brenner discussed in Forbes, brand journalism is the evolution of content marketing–so applying a journalistic approach to content marketing strategy makes a lot of sense.
Just as thinking like a reporter can help when developing your social media strategy, two key concepts in journalism can be useful in content marketing: the five-w’s-plus-h reporter’s questions, and the inverted pyramid.
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