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Everything You Need To Know About Google’s New Discovery Ads

Guest post by Esteban Martinez.

Social media writer and speaker Jay Baer once said,””Content is fire, social media is gasoline.” And Peter Drucker, hailed as the father of business consulting, believed that every “business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation.”

Image credit: Support.Google.com

Over the past two decades, businesses have completely transformed their way of marketing. Methods once considered the most effective techniques are now viewed as traditional or even old school marketing.

Blogs, vertical content creation sites (like Event Pro Update and Customer Experience Update), social media, and other platforms have completely transformed marketing. Digital marketing already accounts for more than half of the typical marketing budget, and online spending continues to grow.

Though it wasn’t the first search engine (actually, not even one of the first 20), Google is considered a pioneer and an innovator in the digital marketing industry.

Google Marketing Live

At the most recent Google Marketing Live event, the company unveiled several new features across their different platforms.

One of the most important announcements was the launch of Google Discovery Ads.

What Are Google Discovery Ads?

Google has become one of the most successful companies in the world by staying several steps ahead of its competitors.

Google has hit it high with Discovery Ads; this is expected to become one of Google’s most powerful advertising tools.

Discovery ads on YouTube home feed, Google Discover feed and Gmail promotions tab.

Google Discovery Ads provide an opportunity for digital marketers to advertise their products or services through either single or multiple images. Multiple images can be marketed in a carousel format. Carousal ads are very effective, and are one of the most successful ad formats on Instagram.

Google Ads can be shown on Google Discover, which would provide a splendid opportunity for Google to monetize Google Discover. They cover search, YouTube, display, and even allow you to advertise on the Google home page on desktop devices.

How Discovery Ads Work

Creating your own Discovery Ad is very simple. Google has tried to make the process as user-friendly as possible. Just enter the landing page URL, your logo, at least one image for the ad, and up to five descriptions and five headlines regarding your products and services.

That’s it! Once you have provided the input, Google will show the best combination of your product or service description, headlines, and images to your potential clients.

In the beginning, we said, “Content is fire,” to illustrate the importance of content in digital marketing. If you have great marketing tools and channels but weak content, then your marketing won’t be effective.

With the introduction of Google Discovery Ads, Google has provided marketers with one of the best avenues for advertising their products. Now it’s up to advertisers to use high-quality content for marketing.

The carousel format lets Google identify which products are most popular. This helps Google show users more relevant ads. Businesses can capitalize on this capability to target their potential customers.

Google’s Path Of Advertisement Optimization (Through Discovery Ads)

For the past two decades, Google has been striving to increase ad relevance for searchers—which has helped marketing professionals and business owners in their digital marketing efforts. Automated digital ads are more convenient and more effective than other types of ads.

Discovery Ads are the newest form of such advertisements. They help you reach your potential customers in a more effective way.  Relevant ads are shown to different people based on their preferences and past searches.

The Primary Purpose Of Google Discovery Ads

Google Discovery Ads provide marketers with a more effective format to advertise their businesses. It is a shift from text-based ads to more visually compelling promotion.

Discovery Ads aim to give businesses the opportunity to not only reach their prospective audience but also to gather information regarding their most preferred product or service.

As noted above, businesses can advertise their products through a single image or using a carousel format. Carousel format ads show advertisers which product image received the most engagement and clicks.

Discovery Ads Not Limited To Google Discover

Though Google Discover was launched just a few months ago, the platform has already gained more than 800 million users. This reflects both high interest and belief in its effectiveness.

Discovery ads on the Google homepage with audience targeting

Google Discovery Ads will not just be limited to these 800 million users. Advertisers will be able to use Discovery Ads on Gmail and YouTube as well. These ads will be shown on the social and promotions tab on Gmail, while the respective ads will be shown on YouTube’s Mobile Home Feed. This expands the reach of Google Discovery Ads to more than a billion prospective customers.

Would You Need To Start A Discovery Campaign to Use Discovery Ads?

YES, you will need to start a discovery campaign to use discovery ads.  The process is, however, very simple. Once you create the campaign and input the required information, you can sit back and wait for Google to perform its magic.


Google Discovery Ads aren’t yet available, but are expected to be launched by the end of this year. Discovery Ads are viewed as a compelling innovation in digital marketing by many seasoned online marketers.

Google’s Discovery Ads provide an intriguing platform for businesses to market their offerings in a more effective and efficient way.

Consider incorporating Google’s Discovery Ads in your marketing strategy, and keep an eye out for their launch.

Esteban Martinez is a passionate marketing director at Addicted 2 PPC with over 10 years experience in online marketing in Australia and UK. Focused on customer acquisition, through consumer engaging advertising across the digital landscape. When he isn’t working on clients marketing campaigns, Esteban works on his YouTube channel teaching businesses how they can increase sales, revenue and customers through Pay Per Click marketing. Be sure to check out the YouTube channel Addicted 2 PPC.

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