Guest post by Zachary Moore.
Today, 88% of consumers look at reviews before making an online purchase. This trend makes case studies more important than ever. A case study is more than a review or a testimonial. A good case study paints a picture, tells a story. It highlights your successes in a way that turns potential buyers into actual customers.
A question and answer (Q&A) case study is a simple and natural approach to telling a client’s story. You provide background information to give the reader context. After that, your customers answer handpicked questions, a process that leads to a more exciting read.
Also, quoting customers in their own words is more relatable than you telling the story. When it comes to writing case studies, the Q&A case study is the most natural way to communicate the value of your brand.
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to craft a Q&A case study, covering the process from beginning to end. An engaging case study makes people say, “if it worked for them, it can work for me.” That’s what you’re aiming for.
Choosing Your Participants
You have lots of choices (hopefully!). Which of your customers are best for your case study? The best participants are relatable. Your customers want to know you’re comfortable in their industry. They want a person who understands their specific needs. Choose a person your future customers are likely to identify with. Here are four types of customers you should consider.
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