If you’re among the small. intrepid group of professionals actually working this “dead week” (the days between Christmas and New Years), thank you! And thank you for spending a few minutes here. This will be quick.
Here are five things (other than work) it’s worth spending a few minutes on this week.
Support a Cause
If 2021 was good to you financially, and you’d like to reduce your taxable income before year end, take a few minutes to contribute to a worthy cause. There are countless charities worthy of support, but three of my favorites (all highly rated in terms of fiscal efficiency) are the Salvation Army (help for the lost and the least across the U.S.); Angel Tree (helping the children of incarcerated parents); and Food for the Poor (helping those in need across the globe).
Save Money on Apps
Want to expand your marketing tech stack and save some money doing it? Who wouldn’t?! Though Black Friday and Cyber Monday are now distant memories, a few vendors are extending some amazing offers through the end of the year. But you’ll have to hurry—next week, these deals (and this post showcasing End-of-Year Martech and Business Software Sales) will be history. Sorry, if you didn’t jump on this one, you missed it.
Spread Some Holiday Cheer
The people who work in restaurants, airports, retail, and of course healthcare, have had a rough run of it since early 2020. No matter what kind of day you’re having, be courteous, be kind, and say “thank you” every chance you have when interacting with any workers in those segments. Rude customers are an unfortunate part of their experience; be the antidote.
Catch Up on Popular Blog Posts
If you missed it last week, here are the most popular posts on the B2B marketing blog in 2021. Here is the #1 most-read post. Here is the most important.
Be Optimistic
After what the world has been through the past two years, 2022 just has to be a better year, right? There’s hopeful news out of South Africa, where Omicron cases are plunging as quickly as they surged over the past several weeks. Here’s hoping the worst of the pandemic may finally soon be behind us. Same for inflation. And supply chain problems.
Thank you for reading, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2022!