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Seven Groups of Tools for Designing and Optimizing Websites

Your B2B website and blog are the core of your content marketing efforts. A beautiful and effective website design is vital to attracting visitors, making a powerful first impression, engaging your audience, and compelling them to take a conversion action like subscribing to your blog or submitting a lead generation form.

Even when you publish content elsewhere—updates on Facebook, videos on YouTube or Vimeo, presentations on SlideShare—the goal is usually to drive visitors back to your website, to consume content and take action.

The home page of your site needs to communicate three pieces of information in under 10 seconds:

Once that’s accomplished, the page should include some additional helpful information about your business, products or services, and customers, and help visitors determine where to go next.

The information architecture of your site is the flowchart or map of all your site’s pages and how they connect to or flow from one another. Most B2B websites have a few common types of pages in the main menu: information about products or services, information about the company, a contact page, and a link to the company’s blog.

Beyond that, your information architecture should be determined by the needs of your various online audiences: sales prospects (usually most importantly) as well as existing customers, the media, partners, potential employees, industry analysts, and possibly investors.

The content on your website includes not only the text and images on your web pages, but also downloadable assets like guides, ebooks, and white papers. You may use content planning and development tools to help create those.

Redesigning a website is a significant undertaking; even a fairly small, simple business site can easily run into the low five-digit range once planning, project management, development, content, image sourcing, and optimization are all factored in.

Most sources advise doing a redesign about every three years, five at the most. Site redesigns are more often driven by changing requirements, however, rather than the calendar. For example, website redesign projects are often a response to:

Whether you’re ready to embark on a website redesign project, or just need to make some tweaks to improve the design and search optimization for an existing site, these seven categories of tools can be very helpful.

Web Design Tools

There’s a plethora of tools available to help with the basic elements of website design, including:

There are also many special-purpose tools for unique tasks like determining what theme and plugins are used on a WordPress site (WPThemeDetector); designing banner images (Power Banner); and installing countdown timers (Countdown Monkey).

WordPress Plugins

WordPress isn’t the only platform for building websites, of course—but it is by far the most popular. WordPress powers 30% of all Internet sites. And of sites created using a content management system (CMS), WordPress accounts for 60%; nearly 10 times as many as Joomla, and 14 times the number developed on Drupal.

One of the key reasons for the popularity of WordPress is the incredible array of plugins available, which automate tasks or add functionality. Most are free, or at least have a free version, and are easy to evaluate based on their ratings and number of downloads.

The WordPress plugins directory lists more than 55,000 plugins, which add a huge array of features to the platform. Among the most popular types and specific examples are:

There are also a vast array of popular plugins for very specific tasks, such as Akismet for filtering out comment spam; Redirection for easily redirecting visitor from old or obsolete pages to new ones (preventing those dreaded “404 – Page Not Found” errors); and W3 Total Cache to speed up page loading time.

Keyword Research Tools for SEO and SEM

Companies, particularly B2B technology vendors, often develop their own internal vernacular: jargon and acronyms related to their industry segment and products widely understood within the organization, but not always outside of it. Particularly by prospective customers.

Keyword research tools help you understand the specific words and phrases your potential future customers are using when they are seeking to solve the kinds of problems your product or service addresses, or for information about specific types and features of products relevant to your offerings.

These tools also typically supply data or guidance about the level of competition and organic ranking difficulty of keywords, helping you better plan your content and choose the most effective phrases for search advertising.

Among the most popular general keyword research tools are Wordtracker, HitTail, and KWFinder. Want to know what keywords your competitors rank for and are bidding on in paid search? Tools like SEMrush, SpyFu, and Authority Metrics add competitive keyword intelligence features to standard keyword suggestion and difficulty functions.

SEO Rank Tracker Tools

You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. These tools help not only monitor but also plan future SEO efforts by enabling you to input a list of target keyword phrases for your website, then track your site’s rank for these keywords, along with competitor websites, on an ongoing basis.

All of these tools handle basic rank tracking across Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, but some include additional features such as:

There are a wide range of options and price levels based on number of keywords tracked and specific features offered. Among the most popular services are SerpBook, Microsite Masters, Authority Labs, AccuRanker, and SERPWoo.

Special-Purpose SEO Tools

Like practitioners of any trade—carpentry, plumbing, French cooking, brain surgery—SEO professionals have an array of specialized tools on hand to serve unique purposes.

Among those specialized tools and functions for optimizing the search rank and traffic for your website are:

These and other tools also help identify harmful backlinks to your site, test the mobile-friendliness of your pages, and conduct competitive SEO research. Finally, there are special-purpose tools that do pretty much what their names suggest, such as Video SEO for WordPress, On-Page Optimization Tool, and Web Text Analyzer.

All-in-One SEO Tool Suites

Buying special-purpose tools enables you to evaluate and choose the best option for each specific website optimization task. But, over time, it can lead to tool proliferation: paying for lots of tools, learning lots of different interfaces, and struggling to reconcile disparate performance metrics.

All-in-one SEO tool suites offer an alternative. Though the strength of each function may not match specialized tools, they simplify your marketing technology (martech) environment and offer a “single source of truth” for search-related measures.

Features and pricing vary, but among the common functions of these tool suites are:

There are dozens of all-in-one SEO suite options, but popular tools include BrightLocal (for small business / local SEO), ontolo, Link-Assistant, Serpstat, CognitiveSEO, Raven SEO Tools, and SEOmonitor.

Landing Page and Form Builders for Conversion Rate Optimization

Once you’ve built an awesome website and attracted visitors by optimizing your site for organic search (plus other tactics like social media, influencer marketing, PR, advertising, and email marketing), you want to persuade those visitors to take some kind of action.

For ecommerce or SaaS websites, that action is likely an actual purchase. For B2B complex product sites, it’s lead generation: register for a webinar, arrange a demo, download a white paper or ebook, or contact us. For either type of site, building an email list by getting visitors to subscribe to your newsletter or updates is a common goal.

There are different types of tools to help you induce visitors to take action, with overlapping functionality. These may be used alone or in tandem.

Using the tools above can help you design and develop a website that not only looks good but also produces real results for your business; a richly functional site that loads fast, has great visibility in search, and compels visitors to take action. And when your business, the market, or technology changes prompt a site redesign, these tools help you do it all over.

This is the fourth post in the Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Tools series.

#1: The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Tools: Introduction

#2: Three Types of Tools to Use for Content Strategy and Planning

#3: (coming soon)

#4: Seven Groups of Tools for Designing and Optimizing Websites

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